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All Psychologists in Austin, texas

Aarsvold Ramona Phd Psychologist
Abel Beth Eden LMSW ACP
Adair Maureen MD
Adams Kathleen PhD
Adams Samuel Dr Psychologist
Adams Samuel Psyd
ADHD Clinic
Adler Alan AIA
Adler Marianna PhD
ADR Service
Adult Development
Advanced Hypnosis Therapies
Affiliated Psychological Services-Aps
Ainslie Gemma PhD
Ainslie Ricardo PhD
Alameda House
Alexander Beverly L PhD
Alexander Judy L Acsw-Acp
Alford Barbara Shaw
Allen Frank Psychithrpst
Alpha-Stim Authorized Distributor
Anderson Tom PhD
Andrews Patty LCSW
Andrews Sandy PhD
Antokoletz Juana C PhD
Arboleda House
Armbrust Cheryl PhD
Armington Rich Lmsw-Acp
Assessment Associates of Austin
Associated Psychological Services
Athey Carol Freeman Lmsw-Acp
Atwal Moe PhD
Austin Academy for Individual & Relationship Therapy
Austin Area Counseling Associates
Austin Area Mental Health Consue SLF HLP and Advcc
Austin Area Mental Health Consumers at the Self Help and Advocac
Austin Behavioral Health Center
Austin Center for Treatment of Essivecmplsve Dsrdr
Austin Counseling & Psychological Service
Austin Couseling & Evaluation
Austin Family Center
Austin Hypnotherapy
Austin Mind-Body Center
Austin Psychiatric Consultants
Austin-Travis County Mental Health MNTL Rtrdtn Center - Adult Mental Health Serv
Austin-Travis County Mental Health MNTL Rtrdtn Center - Alameda House- Adult Mental Health Serv
Austin-Travis County Mental Health MNTL Rtrdtn Center - Crisis Interven
Austin-Travis County Mental Health MNTL Rtrdtn Center - Crisis Interven
Austin-Travis County Mental Health MNTL Rtrdtn Center - Crisis Intervention- Human Resou
Austin-Travis County Mental Health MNTL Rtrdtn Center - Development Disabilities Serv
Baker Becky Imsw-Acp
Banks James P
Barlow Peter Dmin
Barnard Herb Jr AIA
Barton- Wynette Diplomate Jungian Analyst LPC
Bates Carolyn M PhD
Bates Sharon W LPC
Bazerghi Edmond M Psychologist
Behavioral Health Consultants
Bell Keith Phd Sports Psychologist
Benfield Connie Young Phdabpp
Benningfield Anna Beth PhD
Bischofshausen Sharon PhD
Bishop Michael S PH D
Bloom Virginia Adams Medical LPC
Bob Harverstick PhD
Boeke Karen M PhD
Bogaev Anne Lmsw-Acp
Bolton Zorena S LMSW ACP
Booth Margot LMSW ACP
Bounds Jennifer LPC
Bowen Kenton LCSW
Bradford- Ms. Marilyn M
Bradley Peggy E PhD
Bradshaw Joann T PhD
Breeding John PhD
Brock David A LMSW ACP
Brown Evelyn J PhD
Brown Kenton A MD
Brownstein Larry PhD
Buckner J Hope Imsw-Acp
Bugen Larry PhD
Bunker Jeanne L Imsw-Acp
Burditt Tom Csw-Acp
Burke Beverly PhD
Burke Mary B Imsw
Burns Patricia E Imsw-Acp
Butler L Carol PhD
Byrd-Garofalo Anne LCSW
Byrne- Dr. Claudia
Calihman Seyma Lcsw LMFT
Campa Richard D PhD
Campbell Richard PhD
Canada & Associates Architecture AIA
Candace Smith- LMSW- Nicholls & Associates
Cangelosi Sam Counsler
Cansler David Psychologist
Capital Area Mental Health Center
Capital Area Psychological Asson Infrmtn and Rfrrl
Carbonneau Janet LPC
Cardinale Judy Imsw-Acp
Carlson Cindy Psychologist PhD
Carlson Jan LPC
Carolyn Poole LPC LCDC
Carr Blaine PhD
Cassano Susan M Clinical Psychologist PhD
Chandler Michelle
Chapman Jennifer PH D
Chappell Glenna Edd Lpc LMFT
Chitwood Karen PhD
Cicada Recovery Services
Cicada Recovery Services
Citadel Group
Claflin and Associates
Clark Dick Architecture AIA
Clemons David R Psyd
Clifford Vicki Imsw-Acp
Cobb- Jane L.- LCSW- BCD
Cogburn Catherine MA LPC
Cole Debra LPC
Colhoun Carol Lmsw-Acp
Colorito Janey Ms LPC
Connell Beth Imsw-Acp
Cooper William E Mdiv Lpc LMFT
Cornerstone Group Architects
Cortez Elizabeth Phd Psychologist
Cortez Sarah & Associates
Cotera Juan E AIA
Counseling & Mediation Services of Austin
Counseling & Recovery Services
Counseling Center
Covell Susan Imsw-Acp
Cox Patti L Phd CGP
Craghead John W PhD
Cripps Rosalie A PhD
Cripps Rosalie A PhD
Crocker Sally Lmsw-Acp
Cunningham Mary PhD
Dailey William A PhD
Daley Nancy P PhD
Dalton Caryl PhD
Daniell Catherine PhD
Davenport Kate LPC
Davenport- Rebecca- LCSW- CEAP- PA
David Donna LCSW
Davies Marylein F Imsw-Acp ACSW
Davis Barbara E CGP
Davis Becky
Dawn N
Deborah Sharp LCSW
Decker Leland F Architect AIA
Deer Oaks Mental Health Associates
Deshong Barbara Rice PhD
Deutsch Connie PhD
Deweerd Hilary Miller LCSW
Dickey Sherry E PhD
Dierking Doug PhD
Divorce Recovery & Family Resources Center PC
Dodd- Paul W.- D.Min.- LPC
Doell Susanne Phd LMFT
Dominquez Tomi LCSW
Don Reynolds PhD
Dorman Anne D LPC
Dowdy- Madeline Gonzales
Drake Annie Ma RN
Dubin William
Dubin William J PhD
Ducharme-Jones Anne
Dumas Sara PhD
Dziuk Patricia E PhD
East Seventh St Psycho Thearpy Practice
Eckols & Associates AIA
Edwards Gina C MA LPC
Edwards Lee
Edwards Lee Andrew PhD
Edwards Lee T PhD
Ehrenberg Jean PhD
Ehrlich-Rominger Architects AIA
Enright Sandra Sue M.A.- L.P.C.
Environmental Technologies Inc
Eyrich Marcia E Lmsw-Acp LPC
Fairbanks Sue & Associates Lmsw-Acp BCD
Family Builders Inc
Fellows Rolland PhD
Ferrara Matthew L PhD
Ferris Dana M Phd Psychologist
Fields & Associates Architect AIA
Finn Stephen E PhD
Fleming Ann Marie Imft-Ipc
Foster Vicki LPC
Frazier Randy PhD
Freedom Oaks Center for Pastoral Counseling and Psychotherapy
Freireich Naomi
Friedman Stan PhD
Frierson Edward B Architect AIA
Fromberg Associates Inc AIA
Frost Diane Lmsw-Acp
Gallas Stewart Ms LPC
Galloway Robert B AIA
Gardner Ann Psychologist and Photographer
Gardner Bonny PhD
Garrison David A PhD
Garrison Elizabeth A PhD
Garza-Louis Diana Lpc LMFT
Gattuso Cathy Msw-Acp
Gaubert Aline MAPM- LCDC- LPC- RPT
Gibbons Gail E Lpc LMFT
Gill- Mrs. Engracia B- LCSW- MBA
Gonzalez-Davis Carmina Psychotherapist
Gould- Mr. Gary R- LCSW
Graham Lois PhD
Grandey Kathy LCSW
Grant Barbara Lmsw-Acp PC
Grant Richard D Jr PhD
Grant- Lucy J.
Groves Kevin PhD
Guariguata Deborah
Guess Karen Lcswlmft
Gulati- Neena- MA- LMFTA
Guzzino Molly Lpc LMFT
Habib Karen PhD
Hagey Steven L Phd PC
Hakes Patricia MSSW
Hamm Rebecca MA LPC
Hampton Karen LCSW
Hanna Henry M PhD
Harpst- Mr. Scott A.
Harrell Lester Psychologist
Harvey Diane M Lmsw-Acp
Hazlewood Lonnie Psychotherapy
Hecker Kathleen Mauceri Ed D Psychologist
Hegener Michael LPC
Heisel Susan Lmsw-Acp LMFT
Hemp Monagle Amy PhD
Henderson- Dr. Janettee- LMFT
Henk Cristi MA LPC-T
Herbalife Distributor Rejane Koenig
Herballife Distributor
Hergenhahn- Mr. Keith
Hernandez Kim Marie Phd Lssp
Herron Jannifer MD
Hill Country Counseling
Hime Milton AIA
Hinterkopf Elfie
Hoadley Jim Lpc LMFT
Holder L III AIA
Holt Richard PH D Psychologist
Holt Richard PH D Psychologist
Homann Kalila LPC ADTR
Horn Melanie L PhD
Horowitz Sharon G PhD
Horton Susan Counselor Medical
Horwitz Michael B PhD
Houchins Susan C Phd Psycologist
Houdeshell- Seth Gradon- LCSW- S.A.P.
Howard S. Seitzman- Attorney & Mediator
Hruska Mac Psychotherapist
Hudson Jeffrey Psychotherapist
Husodo- Lina AIA
Inner Journeys Hypnosis Center - Donna Whitlow
Ireson Diane E Lmsw-Acp
Jackson Kim LMSW
Jackson Sara Psychologist
Janosik Sarah Lmsw-Acp
JDH Austin
Jenny Craig Personal Weight Management
Jenny Craig Personal Weight Management
Johnston L S Architects AIA
Johnston- Ms. Holly Kathleen- LMSW
Jones David A Phd Psychologist
Jordan Janette Lmsw-Acp
Jordan Krista PhD
Judge Lisa Phd ICSW
Judge Lisa Phd LCSW
Kautz Janet LCSW
Keene Douglas L PhD
Kelly Kamal Imsw-Acp
Kelly Nancy Phd LCSW
Kessler Pam G MA IPCI
Kessler- Pam Greenstone- M.A.- L.P.C.
Kilpatrick Mary Dosser PhD
King Deborah M PhD
King Gerald A PhD
King John D Psychologist
Klassen Robert W AIA
Klinger Ronald L PhD
Klugdesign Architecture
Knowles Vicki MA LPC
Koch Patricia PhD
Kremer Thomas PhD
KUNZ Jerri
Kutcher- Dr. Joyce- Ed.D.
Kuznets Miriam LCSW
Lamonte Mary Jane
Langmead- Michelle- LCSW- ACSW
Lansdale Sunny Psycothrpst
Lantry Janet LCSW
Larkan Beverley M LMFT
Larsen Beth Ann
Larson Steven G LPC
Latham Diana
Laves-Webb- Mr. Louis B- MSSW-LPC
Lawler Alice C PhD
Lawrence Kathy L M S W-A C P
Lee Cynthia PhD
Legacy- Mrs. Sue Genaro- LCSW
Leonard- Lisa- LPC- LMFT
Levinson Rick Lmsw-Acp
Levy- Dr. Elizabeth- Ph.D.
Lindemann Howard LCSW
Lindewall Dianne PhD
Linn James L PhD
Listening Tree Associates
Longoria Linda PT MA OCS
Loredo Carlos M PhD
Lowe Advertising
Luther Joe MA LCDC
Lyons Deborah S PhD
Macneilage Linda A Phd PC
Maley Randy CHT
Malitz Beth Laturner Imsw
Malone Pamela Lmsw-Acp LCDC
Manning Susan
Marek John S LPC
Margaret Williams LCSW
Mariposa Psychotherapy Associates
Marriott Sue Imsw-Acp ICDC
Martin Carolyn C
McCarthy Mary G PhD
McCary Marsha D PhD
McClure Charlotte Morrow Counseling
McCoy Susan Ms LPC Psycotherapist
McCullar- Ms. Patti Kay- LPC
McDonough Marsha PhD
McElhaney Ann W LPC
McFarland Susan Architect AIA
McGraw Marburger & Associates AIA
Mcintosh Ann MA- LCSW
McIntosh- Ann- MA- LCSW
McKee Steve LMSW ACP
McKenna Stacie LCSW
Mckenna Stacie LCSW- SAP
McKinney Sherry PhD
Mckinney-Stanley Aia
McMillan Sara Lmsw-Acp
McNeely Abigail Lmsw-Acp
Mechem Richard PhD
Menefee M Marjorie Phd Clinical Psychologist
Mental Health Mental Retardatio Center ASTN Trvs County - Special Serv
Mental Health Mental Retardatio Center ASTN Trvs County - Special Services- Corona H
Merrill Carol Lmsw-Acp
Mersky Lisa LMSW
Michael Andrea MSW
Michael Richard G PhD
Middelberg Carol V PhD
Miesch Deanna LPC Art Therapist
Miles Betty Lmsw-Acp
Miller David A
Milstead Betty O CSW
Mind Works
Mind-Body Fit
Moats Robert W Phd JD
Moller Steve F AIA
Montgomery Arlene Phd LCSW
Montgomery Seth H PhD
Moore Leslie A PhD
Moore Mary E Lmsw-Acp
Morrison Jack Lmsw-Acp
Morrissey Marie Lmsw-Acp
Murphy Bob LPC
MURR Priscilla Jungian Anlyst
Mustin Al K PhD
NAST SONA Spear Imsw-Acp
National Alliance for the Mentally III Austin
Neil Stegall LCSW
Nelson Phyllis Dgn LCSW
Nesbitt Earl J Jr AIA
Neuropsychology Clinic PC
New Visions Counseling Center
Nowotny Rose M Lmsw-Acp CCDS
Nutrition Food Becomes You
O'Brien Micki LPC
Offerle Joan M PhD
Olsen Joanne Farrow Imsw-Acp
Orion Treatment Center Vivian Lewis
Orman Elise PhD
Owens Gayle PhD
Parker George PhD
Parker Kenneth
Parker Kenneth
Parker Thomas G PhD
Pat Louis LCSW
Patton Charla Imsw-Acp
Payne Sherry L PhD
Peak Gabrielle D Imsw-Acp
Penn Julia M
Penticuff- Dr. Michael D.- Ph.D.
Person Amy- LPC
Peterson Betty PhD
Phelan P Caren PhD
Pierce Carole Ann Phd Psychologist
Ponder- Dr. JoAnn- Ph.D.
Poole David R PhD
Poole David R Phd - Office
Powell Joann Cope PhD
Praderas Kim PhD
Pugh-Westlyn Marta E PhD
Pully Andrea E Medical LPC
Quirl Jan Imsw-Acp
Raiskin Jordana LCSW
Rubinett Benita Imsw-Acp
Russell Craig A Med-Lpc
Sanders Susan Jones LCSW
Satterfield Rochelle PhD
Savio Claudia M Ed LPC
Scherer Kathy PhD
Schmidt Jerome R PhD
Scott Linda B Medical LPC
Sebera Travis
Seidel Robert MSSW
Sekel Andrew PhD
Serafin Molly Medical LPC
Shaffer Kathaleen Psychotherapist
Shannon- Ellen- MSSW- LPC
Shefelman & Nix Architects AIA
Sherry Brokus Patton LPC
Sikes JEV Phd Psychologist
Sikes Sydnor Psychologist
Silver Robert J PhD
Simmons Genia PhD
Slaikeu Karl A Phd & Associates
Slay-Westbrook- Ms. Susanne
Sloan-Price Judith L LCSW
Small Donald R AIA
Smith Leslie K LPC LMFT LCDC
Smith Terry Parsons PhD
Snapp Matthew PhD
Snodgrass- Ms. Beverly- L.P.C.
Southwest Regional Mental Health
Southwestern Institute Of NLP
Sprowls Christie Lpc LMFT
Stadtner Rebecca PhD
Stark Kevin D PhD
Starnes Faith Csw-Acp
Steinbomer & Associates Architects
Steinmacher Troy T LCSW
Stephens Patty PH.D.- LMSW-ACP
Stern William R PhD
Steward Jill Lmsw-Acp
Strarup Tina M.ED.- LPC
Strucker Tracie
Sturrup Jenesta LMSW ACP
Success Strategies Unlimited
Sumrall- Shannon- MA- MEd- LPC- NCC
Sutton Sarah L LCSW
Suzanne Scott of Psychotherapy Associates of Arlene Montgomery- Ph D-
Swafford Katy PhD
Sylvester Elizabeth A PhD
Synergy Counseling & Consulting
Taylor Karen Psyd
Teague Mary C PhD
Terrell Stephen Ms LPC
Texas Association for Mental Health
Texas Association of School Psychologists
Texas Mental Health Consumers - Fax Line
Texas-State - Mental Health & Mental Retardation Department- Central Of
Texas-State - Psychologists Texas State Board of Examiners
Tharinger Deborah J PhD
The Architect's Office Corporation
Thompson Rick PhD
Thompson- Karen- Ph.D.
Transformations Psychotherapy Services
Trudell Rachel N LMSW ACP
Tuccio Elaine G LCSW
United States Government - Consumer Complaints- State of Texas Austin- Psychology Complaint F
Vance Robert E EDD Psychologist
Vanessa J.S. Joy- MA Licensed Professional Counselor
Venture Four Architects
Verlis Setne PhD
Viola- Gianna- LCSW
Voss Beverly Imsw-Acp
Walker Kitty
Walmsley Clara Imsw-Acp
Walters Paul R PhD
Waterloo Counseling Center
Watson- Dr. Shelby- EdD- MED- LPC
Watterson John PhD
Weigh of Life Clinic
White Susan E PhD
Whitley Josie PhD
Willbern Nancy PhD
Williams Eyvonne Lmsw-Acp
Williams Kathe Imsw-Acp LCDC
Williams Kim Alan AIA
Wood Nancy MA LPC
Yamini Joan Medical
Youth & Family Centered Services Inc
Yu Pamela PhD
YWCA of Greater Austin
Zagorski Stephen Architect AIA
Zamorsky Judith PhD

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